
To verify ownership of the coin, one should add these meta tags to the website header. Below are some examples of how to do it.

New coin meta tags

logo - the url path to the image logo, required
name - the name of the coin, required
symbol - the symbol of the coin, required
website - the website of the coin, required
chain - the chain used (i.e. Ethereum, Solana, Other)
price - the current price of the coin
cap - the market cap of the coin
24h - last 24 hours price difference
launch_date - the launch date of the coin, required

Presale coin meta tags

logo - the url path to the image logo, required
name - the name of the coin, required
symbol - the symbol of the coin, required
website - the website of the coin, required
chain - the chain used (i.e. Ethereum, Solana, Other)
price - the current price of the coin
cap - the market cap of the coin
24h - last 24 hours price difference
start_date - presale start date, required
end_date - presale end date, required